Call 7: Support the aims and work of the Care Review – making changes to improve care now and in future
By Fiona Duncan
Over the past 18 months the Independent Care Review has heard from 1,136 infants, children, young people and adults across Scotland about their experience of care.
These voices have consistently told the Care Review how important it is for them to have meaningful and consistent relationships, for their rights to be respected and upheld, and for love to be part of their everyday lives instead of the stigma they too often encounter.
The themes that emerged from the discovery stage conversations were discussed and developed along with a go-to group of 62 care-experienced young people. As a result of this, ten thematic areas were identified that required deeper understanding, and the Care Review’s 12 Intentions were developed.
The Care Review Intentions:
Families on the edge of care will get the support they need to stay and live together where safe to do so. Scotland’s infants, children and young people will be nurtured, loved and cared for in ways that meet their unique needs.
Relationships which are significant to infants, children and young people will be protected and supported to continue unless it is not safe to do so. This recognises the importance of brothers and sisters, parents, extended family and trusted adults.
Care experienced infants, children and young people will thrive in supportive and stable learning and work environments, ensuring they have the same opportunities as others.
Aftercare will be designed around the needs of the person leaving care supporting them to lead a fulfilling life, for as long as they need it.
Infants, children and young people’s rights will be part of normal everyday life, practice and decision-making.
Infants, children and young people’s voices will have a visible and meaningful impact on decision-making and care planning.
All adults involved in the care of infants, children and young people are empowered, valued and equipped to deliver the best care system in the world.
Scotland’s care services will plan and work better together, sharing information more easily to ensure we understand the what and how of supporting infants, children, young people and their families from a local through to a national level.
Scotland will understand the financial and human cost of care, including what happens when people don’t get the help they need.
The words used to describe care will be easily understood, positive and not create or compound stigma.
There will be no stigma for infants, children and young people in care because Scotland will understand why our children need care.
These Intentions are at the heart of the work of the current stage of the Care Review, the Journey; the Intentions are guiding work groups as they explore these areas of practice.
The Care Review has learned that while there is practice that causes difficulty for children and young people – which must end as soon as possible – there are also many things happening for children and young people that should be celebrated.
The Care Review calls on Scotland to get involved and stay involved in order to identify and implement changes to day-to-day practice, as well as system-wide improvements, and support the delivery of these Intentions to ensure that Scotland is the best place in the world for all children and young people to grow up.
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Article 20 – United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: '... a child temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her family environment, or in whose own best interests cannot be allowed to remain in that environment, shall be entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the State...'

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Article 20: "a child... deprived of his/her family environment shall be entitled to special protection..."
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