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Voices Forum:

Towards 2026: Developing Children in Scotland’s next Manifesto

Wednesday 23 October 2024, 10am-12pm, online

The next meeting of the Voices Forum will discuss initial ideas for Children in Scotland's Manifesto 2026–2031 for the next Scottish Parliament. Members will have an opportunity to reflect on our current Manifesto and share their views and ideas about key priorities for our upcoming Manifesto.

Overview of session:

We are pleased to invite members of Children in Scotland to our next Voices Forum.

The meeting of the Voices Forum will be hosted our by Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, David Mackay, who will lead a discussion on the changes to policy and legislation members want to see included in the Children in Scotland Manifesto 2026-2031.

Our current Manifesto (2021-2026) outlined 10 themes and 33 calls to action for the Scottish Government to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families. In developing the Manifesto, we consulted members as experts in policy and service delivery to understand what key changes should inform Children in Scotland’s advocacy and influencing work over the parliamentary term.

We are now starting early conversations on the next Manifesto for the upcoming Scottish Parliament Election in 2026. The Voices Forum will provide an opportunity for members to feed into early-stage discussions around Manifesto development and explore members’ ideas for key policy and legislative changes, drawing on evidence from their work. The event will also provide an opportunity to reflect on our current Manifesto, including the format, goals and overall structure to inform our approach for the 2026-2031 Manifesto.

The Voices Forum meeting will take place on Zoom and is open to all Children in Scotland members. Spaces are free but booking is required.

If you or colleagues are interested in attending, please contact Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, David Yule, to reserve your place via

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