Young people to lead new diversity in education participatory project
16 October 2020
Children in Scotland is bringing together a group of children and young people to get involved in a new participatory project focusing on diversity in Scottish education, with a view to supporting greater diversity in the teaching profession.
Commissioned by the professional regulatory body for education professionals in Scotland, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTC Scotland) (click to visit), the project will engage with a group of eight to 18-year-olds from across Scotland and from a range of cultural backgrounds, to hear their views and experiences of diversity in Scottish education.
Children and young people will be a key catalyst of change, addressing the challenges they and adults experience around ethnic diversity.
Their voices will inform recommendations that will support teachers to embed equality and recognition of diversity as a positive factor in their everyday teaching lives and make sure education in Scotland supports and includes all.
Elaine Kerridge, Children in Scotland's Policy Manager (Participation & Engagement), who is managing the project, said: "It is so important we hear from more children and young people about diversity at school – as they are the ones there every day. We can’t wait to support them in sharing their thoughts, experiences and insights on what can make schools and teaching more inclusive."
Elaine will be working alongside Children in Scotland Associates Katherine Anderson and Hannah Gray to bring together the recruited young ‘champions’ for the project.
Ken Muir, Chief Executive and Registrar of GTC Scotland, said: “It is almost half a century since the 1976 Race Relations Act came into force and 10 years since the 2010 Equalities Act came into effect. Yet, still, in the second decade of the 21st century, we have a long way to go in addressing some issues of equality in our society. We also know that the make-up of the teacher workforce is not yet reflective of the Scottish population.
“Exploring the views of children and young people is essential to help understand how we can work pro-actively to better ensure the teaching profession is more representative of Scottish society as well as to support current teaching professionals to promote equality for all.”
Diversity in Teaching will also be an opportunity to explore issues that are important to young people in 2020 and share their lived experiences with new audiences.
Applying to take part is straightforward – children and young people who'd like to be involved simply need to answer three questions. They can answer the questions on a form, write a poem or a comic. or make a short video.
For more information on the Diversity In Teaching - Children and Young People's Views On Diversity In Scottish Education project, email Elaine Kerridge at
GTC Scotland’s vision is inspiring world-class teaching professionalism. Click here to find out more

Diversity in Teaching recruitment film
In this short film Hannah Gray explains the project and how to get involved
Click to watch the film
Diversity in Teaching project explained
Find out more about the project's aims
Click to visit the project
Application form
Download the application form with three easy questions to answer
Click to download
Consent Form
Young people interested in taking part will need to download and complete a consent form
Click to download