Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland
Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland was a 12-month pilot programme trialling online support for young people aged 16-25 with additional needs in Scotland: hearing their voice, building confidence and supporting transitions.
Aim of the pilot
To determine the best models of support, and offer timely information to young people in Scotland with additional support needs, and to their parents and carers, as they transition into adulthood.
Are you between age 16 and 25? Unsure what your next steps could be?
If you answered 'yes' to the questions above (or know a young person who would), then the Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland pilot programme might be of interest to you!
Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland offers free online support for young people in Scotland in this age group with additional support needs. It is for young people who are experiencing anxiety, isolation and who have limited or no plans for the future. They may be in school or in college or have finished formal education and be unsure how to move forward.
How does it work?
After filling out a Request for Support form, young people will be allocated support from the programme and be introduced to a trained Associate.
They will meet the young person for an introduction and find out what will be most useful to help them move forward. This might be linking them with people, useful activities or contacts in the local area or providing them with individual sessions to build confidence and explore next steps to suit.
> Support will be tailored to each individual
> Young people will be linked to an associate for individual, remote sessions
> Trained staff will focus on: strengths, reducing anxiety, building confidence and countering social isolation
> This project will help young people to think about building independence by providing encouragement and motivation for their future
> We will enable young people and their families to link with local and national activities, and we will provide useful contacts and networks.
How to make a request for support
If you, or a young person you know, would like to receive support as part of Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland, please let us know some more information, by completing a Request for Support form.
Where possible, we encourage young people to fill out their own form to support a sense of ownership and engagement. But, if the young person would prefer somebody to complete the form for them, or if you are thinking of applying on behalf of a young person that is fine too.
Requests for support from this pilot project have now concluded
How we handle your data
> Click here to view our privacy policy
What happens next?
Direct support, for 45 young people, will run over six months (July 2022 to December 2022) and we will start allocating places from August 2022.
Everyone who makes a Request for Support will be notified within six weeks or less about whether they have been assigned a Time to Talk Next Steps Associate.
Click here to learn more about the pilot: banderson@childreninscotland.org.uk
Project partners:

Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland
The project, a partnership with NDTi and Contact, was announced in February
Click here for more

National Lottery Community Fund
Find out more about the Fund and the work it supports across the country
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Our services
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