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Meet the Membership team

Find out more about the Children in Scotland Membership team, their areas of expertise, and how to get in touch.

Greyscale headshot of a person with light, short hair, glasses with black frames, and stubble. He is smiling and wearing a black spotted shirt.
Greyscale headshot of woman with dark straight hair and a fringe. She is smiling at the camera and wearing a dark long-sleeved top.
A greyscale image of a smiling person with long dark hair. Hoop earrings are visible in each ear, and they wear a dark coloured shirt

Simon Massey

Head of Engagement and Learning

Simon is the strategic lead of the Membership Team and has overrall responsibility for the membership service. He oversees reporting, leads on relationship building with members and chairs meetings of the Membership Team. Simon brings Children in Scotland’s mission to the membership offer, and is responsible for ensuring that our members receive a fantastic service.

Tracy Hope

Senior Business Development Officer

Tracy is responsible for membership renewals and recruitment. She reports on membership to the Children in Scotland Board and organises our Annual General Meeting. If you have a query about your membership with us, would like to advertise with us, or require information about the benefits available to members, Tracy will be happy to help.

Parisa Shirazi

Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer

Parisa joined Children in Scotland in January 2021 as Policy, Projects and Participation Officer.

Before joining the organisation, she worked at a busy child law centre on projects that help young people experiencing homelessness and those who have left the care system and also worked in their Policy Team. She previously worked in political offices in Holyrood and Westminster carrying out research and casework. These roles allowed her to appreciate the importance of well-informed and beneficial policy in achieving positive change.

Parisa studied Law at Durham University and completed an LLM in General Law at the University of Edinburgh in 2017. Through her pro bono experience as a Volunteer Advocate for parents whose children are involved in the care system, she developed an interest in family law and children’s rights.

In her spare time, she is learning Farsi to communicate with her Iranian family, she enjoys reading and spends a disproportionate amount of time petting dogs.

A greyscale image of a smling person with long dark hair
Greyscale headshot of a woman with dark long wavy hair. She is smiling at the camera and is wearing a shirt.

Sophie Ward

Senior Communications Officer – Membership Lead

Sophie joined Children in Scotland in July 2023. Previously, she spent three years working for the Scottish Chamber Orchestra where she had the opportunity to work across its marketing activities and develop the Orchestra’s first ever digital concert season.

Sophie has ten years’ experience managing projects for a number of culture organisations and charities including VisitScotland, RSPB Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland.

Outside of work, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, fair-weather running and playing music.

Cat Kozlowski

Senior Learning & Events Officer

Cat joined Children in Scotland in January 2019 and is our Senior Learning & Events Officer. She has spent 16 years working in the education sector focusing on professional learning, outreach education and environmental education. She has a keen interest in equality and sustainability.

Previously, she has worked on community education programmes that supported asylum seekers, refugees, the Traveller community and disadvantaged young people.