Damage to environment children's top concern in report for Crown Estate Scotland
14 May 2020
Children and young people's views on the environment have been captured in a new report for Crown Estate Scotland published today.
Click here to download and read the report
Last year Children in Scotland was commissioned by the Crown Estate to ensure that the voices of children and young people are reflected in Crown Estate Scotland’s plan for 2020-23.
The views of seven to 25 year olds on Scotland's land, seabed and coast were gathered through direct sessions and an online survey during November and December 2019. Engagement work took place in three local authority areas – Midlothian, Argyll and Bute and North Ayrshire.
Young people raised concerns about marine pollution; efforts to protect the natural environment; animal welfare; and the need for communities to be heard in the debate about environmental protection.
As part of the work, we also made some recommendations to the Crown Estate Scotland about how it could meaningfully engage with children and young people in the future.
These included developing a more accessible Corporate Plan; encouraging young people to apply to be non-executive board members; and partnering with children and young people-focused organisations.
Jane Miller, Policy and Participation Officer, who led the project alongside Elaine Kerridge, Policy Manger (Participation & Engagement), said:
“Through this work children and young people highlighted their concerns and worries about damage to the environment and the impact that this has on how they were feeling.
"Children highlighted that they felt better when they were empowered to take action on this issue. As a result we are pleased that children and young people were able to share their views and inform the direction of the Crown Estate’s work and plan for 2020-2023.”
The Crown Estate Scotland is responsible for the management of all land and property owned by the Monarchy.

Crown Estate Scotland report
Read the results of the consultation with children and young people
Click to download the report
Participation Guidelines
Our refreshed publication can help children's voices to be at the heart of participation work
Click to read
Crown Estate Scotland
Find out more about the Crown Estate Scotland and read their press release about this work
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