‘Societal issues that undermine young people’s chances compromise gains from early years support’
Naomi Eisenstadt, the Scottish Government’s Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality, published her second report yesterday (3 July).
The report makes 18 recommendations focusing on the later years of childhood and the transition into adulthood.
Responding to the report, Jackie Brock, Chief Executive of Children in Scotland, said:
“As a society, we have recognised the profound importance of providing high quality support in the early years of a child’s life. Helping to ensure they get the best possible start is essential if we are to break the cycle of inequality.
"However, what Naomi Eisenstadt’s latest report highlights are the factors throughout a child’s life and into young adulthood, which continue to undermine their chances. Key issues requiring attention include skills development and transition into further and higher education, a fair and secure labour market, good quality and affordable housing, and better support for mental health.
"Unless these issues are recognised and addressed as part of the same wider social policy framework, successes gained early on will be compromised and our young people will continue to be systematically disadvantaged.”

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