Additional support service strengthens its online offer to children and families
Enquire, Scotland's advice service for additional support for learning, has re-launched its website.
The new site, available from today, offers families advice and information on education and additional support for learning, as well as practical tips about working in partnership with schools and local authorities.
Enquire has also extended its support to professionals, offering a new dedicated area of for those working with children. The section contains information about their duties towards children with additional support needs, alongside policy and legislative developments and advice on communicating with parents and carers.
Catriona Thomson, Enquire’s Senior Development Officer, said:
“We’ve listened to the views of parents and carers from the thousands of calls we’ve received over the last 18 years, from feedback from our regular evaluation surveys, and from 500 responses we received to our parent information needs questionnaire.
“The result is a website which will help provide parents and carers with the information they need to ensure children are getting the right support in school.”
Enquire also published a number of resources for parents, carers and professionals, including advice on finding a local support service, usedul local authority contacts, and links to relevant policies, legislation and guidance.
No-one is out of reach
Enquire manages Reach a website for young people, by young people. Reach offers advice to pupils who may be struggling at school, It includes practical tips on what can help and young people sharing their views and experiences on all sorts of life issues.
Enquire is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Children in Scotland.

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