Safety. Sorted! Helping families to keep their children safer this Child Safety Week
21 May 2024
Ahead of Child Safety Week (Monday 3 – Sunday 9 June 2024), Katrina Phillips OBE, Chief Executive of the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) outlines how you can help to make children safer by sharing helpful, practical advice with the families you work with.
Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s annual community education campaign, aiming to equip and empower families with the confidence and skills to manage the real risks to children’s safety.
We want all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm. However, in many disadvantaged communities, families have less opportunities to learn about safety, meaning children are at greater risk of a serious accident.
Sadly, one Scottish child dies each month due to an accident, and 1 in 13 emergency admissions to hospital are caused by accidents (Public Health Scotland). So reaching families and giving them the skills and knowledge to keep their children safe is vital.
With your help, we can make all children safer.
Safety. Sorted!
We want to make it as easy as possible for families to get safety sorted. For parents and carers to feel confident that, with just one small change, they can stop a serious accident happening. And for families to be clear what they need to do to keep their children safe.
That’s why this year’s Child Safety Week theme is “Safety. Sorted!”
We’re sharing small, easy-to-make changes that fit with hectic family life. Our Child Safety Week Parents’ Pack contains bite-sized facts and safety tips on the main accident risks to children, allowing families to make simple changes that can fit into busy routines.
We appreciate how much families value the crucial support of practitioners in their community in helping them to navigate the early years and stay one step ahead of their child’s development.
We also understand that there are real pressures on your time spent with families. With this in mind, we’ve made it easier than ever to get involved with Child Safety Week and help families keep their children safe.
Everything you need, all in one place
To help you get safety sorted for Child Safety Week, we’ve brought all our resources for practitioners together in one place.
Visit our resource centre, packed with free downloadable resources covering all topics, whatever you choose to focus on this Child Safety Week, or in your accident prevention work throughout the year. You can search by safety topic and resource type, so however you share information with families, you can find what you need.
Brand new for this year, we’ve launched a display pack of colourful posters covering many safety topics to help you create an eye-catching Child Safety Week display for families visiting your setting.
And if you’re looking for inspiration and ideas on how to bring Child Safety Week to life, whether you’re running an event or putting on a display in your setting, you’ll find everything you need on our Child Safety Week hub to help support you in your work with vulnerable families.
Let’s work together to get safety sorted.
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About the Author
Katrina Phillips OBE is the Chief Executive of the Child Accident Prevention Trust
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Child Safety Week
Looking for inspiration on how to bring Child Safety Week to life, explore the hub.
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