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Marie Harrison

Senior Policy Officer (Children’s Rights) – My Rights My Say

Marie joined Children in Scotland in May 2022 to take up post as Senior Policy Officer (Children’s Rights) for the My Rights My Say service.

Over the past 15 years she has worked to promote children’s rights through lobbying and advocacy posts both in Scotland, Denmark, Kenya and the Netherlands. The main focus of her work has been to promote the rights of children with additional support needs and to support children to share their views in all decision making processes that affect them. She has been involved in various projects aimed at creating awareness of the UNCRC and children’s rights both on international, national and local level.

Marie holds a degree in Aesthetics and culture and has used her skills to develop creative toolkits to support children with additional support needs to share their views in child-centred and unique ways that are meaningful to the individual child. She will be starting a Master’s Programme in Children’s Participation and Leadership in September 2022 with the University of Highlands & Islands.