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Our eLearning Hub

Bringing together a range of learning courses to inspire and inform

Launched in December 2020, Children in Scotland’s eLearning Hub provides a range of online programmes in collaboration with organisations and services across Scotland’s children’s sector.

We’ve been lucky enough to partner with some brilliant organisations to create eLearning content to support the workforce.

The following courses are currently available on the Children in Scotland eLearning hub and all of these courses are free:

  • An introduction to Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): In this course, you will explore Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and how it helps to ensure that children and young people get the right help, at the right time, from the right people. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is Scotland’s national approach to promoting, supporting and safeguarding the wellbeing of all children and young people. It is central to all policies and services in Scotland.
  • Building Good Relationships with Children and Young People: This course will help you understand how you can build strong, meaningful and productive working relationships with the children and young people you work with.
  • Participation with Children and Young People: This module will help you understand what participation is, why it is important and shares good practice techniques you can use to meaningfully engage the young people you work with.
  • Children’s Rights: In light of the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (also known as UNCRC) into Scottish law, this course is designed to support you to develop your knowledge about children’s rights as well as the current policy and practice which helps to protect these rights in Scotland.
  • My Rights, My Say: A short module designed to help teachers support children and young people with additional support needs in schools.
  • The Fostering Network: Supporting care experienced young people in education in Scotland: The Fostering Network’s Young Advocates project
    Designed to support individuals to reflect and develop their knowledge and practice on how best to support care experienced young people in education in Scotland.

We also have the following courses launching in 2024:

  • A module on understanding visual impairment in preschool children
  • A module to support practitioners working with children and young people who have experienced trauma
  • A module supporting practitioners experiencing vicarious trauma, burnout and/or compassion fatigue

How can I access the eLearning Hub? 

Click here to register a new account and start signing up to courses

Click here to access our step-by-step user guide

Want to commission an eLearning module? Here’s how it works…

The Children in Scotland Learning and Events team will manage your project from start to finish - keeping you informed and at the centre of planning the whole way. We’ll help you consider accessibility, language and design, and draw upon our expertise to make sure your module meets the outcomes you want your learners to achieve.

We partner with charity learning experts Little Man Project to develop your custom-made, interactive content and deliver this via our learning management system.

If you would like to know more about commissioning an eLearning module, or have any ideas for the topics you’d like to see future eLearning courses on, please get in touch at

What are the future plans for the Hub?

The hub will constantly evolve and we would love to hear your feedback and ideas on what you’d enjoy as we plan new content.

Email your views and suggestions to 

Explore eLearning

Take a look at the range of free learning courses currently available on the Hub

Click here to access

User Guide

Your step-by-step guide to registering on the Hub and getting started on eLearning

Click here to access


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