New Evidence Bank launched to share voices of young people
8 May 2019
We are delighted that our new Children and Young People's Evidence Bank website has launched.
The Evidence Bank was originally developed by Children in Scotland as an internal resource to directly capture the voices of children and young people on a range of diverse subjects, recorded during our Participation and Engagement and project work.
But thanks to supportive discussions with the Corra Foundation and funding from the National Third Sector GIRFEC Project, it is now an online resource that practitioners and researchers across Scotland and beyond can use.
The site houses an ever-growing library of reports, quotes and research findings, and users can search for evidence by theme, or look for quotes or individual reports. They can create a user account if they would like to download any of the reports as PDFs.
The website will be a living resource, with content continually sourced and uploaded. Users can upload their own reports, which will go through a quick approval process before being shared on the site.
Jackie Brock, Chief Executive of Children in Scotland, said: "As an organisation driven by a belief in participation, the importance of hearing and acting on the authentic voices of young people is fundamental to our work.
"So we are delighted that our new Evidence Bank will help disseminate those voices and be a unique resource for strengthening research, policy work and practice."
Children in Scotland members and our network across the country are invited to submit any suitable reports or research of their own, in order to keep building the site into a national community resource.

Children and Young People's Evidence Bank
Find out more about this national resource that directly captures the voices of children and young people
Click to visit the website
Children’s and young people’s participation and engagement
We aim to embed children and young people’s inclusion across all our work
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