Equal Partners
This project ran from 2012 to 2015.
We worked with the Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisation (ACOSVO) and Voluntary Health Scotland (VHS) on the Equal Partners project.
The work built on our experience across leadership, children and families, and health, learning from different approaches, skills and organisational vision.
The project was launched in 2012 with an event that connected leaders across the third and public sectors. It focused on developing a shared goal of improving leadership to create change.
A second piece of work, research on partnership working across our various sectors, followed.
The three organisations share a commitment to tackling inequalities and transforming public services through an assets-based approach, assisting people and communities to come together to achieve positive change using their own knowledge, skills and lived experience.
Working collaboratively, we identified and delivered a programme of work that informs and supports this commitment.
In April 2015 we hosted ‘Working Towards a Collaborative Culture’, co-produced by Children in Scotland, the Scottish Government Third Sector Unit, ACOSVO and VHS.
Attendees discussed the themes of assets-based approaches, collaborative cultures and workforce empowerment.
The event was attended by 60 delegates from across the third and public sector.
For more information on Equal Partners: pppteam@childreninscotland.org.uk