Creating safety in the arts, as new guidance launches
16 May 2019
A new resource that provides guidance on child protection for the arts has been launched.
Creating Safety: child protection in the arts produced by Children in Scotland in collaboration with Creative Scotland, provides guidance on child protection and safeguarding for individuals and organisations involved in delivering artistic, cultural and creative projects for or with children and young people in Scotland.
The aim of the guidance is to create the safest possible environment for children and young people, where they can feel safe and comfortable, are treated equitably and with respect, and where they are given freedom to have fun and develop their independence and creativity.
Speaking about the creation of the resource, Simon Massey, Head of Engagement and Learning at Children in Scotland said:
"This has, once again, been a great opportunity to work with Creative Scotland on updating a vital resource for the arts and creative sector in Scotland.
‘Child protection’ can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming for those who aren’t directly involved in the work so making sure people can access this type of information is so important. It’s a key step in ensuring that those people working with children and young people have an understanding of the issues and, most importantly, what to do if they have any concerns.
The partnership between Creative Scotland and Children in Scotland in delivering this piece of work has been further strengthened by the funding provided by Creative Scotland to deliver a number of learning opportunities across the country and online."
Colin Bradie, Interim Head of Creative Learning, Creative Scotland said: "We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Children in Scotland to help give artists an up-to-date handbook on all they need to know about child protection in the arts.
The work that the creative community do all over the country in giving Scotland’s children and young people new creative skills, new ways of thinking and new artistic experiences, is essential and invaluable. The Creating Safety guide, refreshed and updated with all the changes to key legislation, gives them all the practical information they need to help support and ensure the safety of all the young people they work with.
So much of the work Creative Scotland funds involves children and young people, including the Youth Music Initiative, the CashBack for Creativity programme, and the Time to Shine Youth Arts Strategy, so this resource remains a hugely relevant and essential guide."
Creating Safety 2019 edition
This is the third edition of Creating Safety, produced in partnership by Creative Scotland and Children in Scotland. It was first published in 2011, updated in 2014 and the 2019 edition provides fully updated information.
Related events
To support the launch of the event there will be a series of full-day training courses and a webinar, all offered free of charge, aimed at anyone working with children and young people in the arts, screen and creative industries – including paid and voluntary workers – who has day-to-day contact with children and young people.
Creating Safety: child protection in the creative sector (webinar) – 10 June, Edinburgh
This free, one-hour webinar, funded by Creative Scotland and delivered by Children in Scotland, is aimed at anyone working with children and young people in the arts, screen and creative industries – including paid and voluntary workers – who have day-to-day contact with children and young people.
Creating Safety: child protection in the creative sector (full-day training course)
- 14 June, Edinburgh
- 17 June, Perth
- 19 June, Glasgow
Booking is now closed for our June events.

Creating Safety
Child protection guidelines for Scotland's arts, screen and creative industries
Click to find out more