Venue - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh
Access to the stadium is through the main Gatehouse and you will be checked in and out on arrival/departure from the ground. The conference takes place in rooms accessible through the West Stand entrance.
Parking is available on the day. Please notify Children in Scotland if you plan to drive by emailing events@childreninscotland.org.uk.
Getting to the Stadium
Murrayfield is a 30-minute walk from the west end of Princes Street, but also by buses, trams and trains from all over the City and across Scotland, from the Airport, Park & Ride sites and local train stations.

Programme – Day One
Check out the programme for the 29 May, day one of the conference
Check out day oneProgramme – Day Two
Check out the programme for the 30 May, day two of the conference
Check out day twoExhibition Hall
Check out our virtual exhibition hall before walking through the real one!
Have a look