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Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2024. 29-30 May 2024 Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. White text on pink background with dandelion puff motif.

Programme – Day One

Registration | 9am

Arriving to Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Directions

Welcome | 9:30am

AC24 Bios_Graphics_Test A

Nicola Killean
Children and Young People's Commissioner
Adult Chair | Bio

headshot of a young white person

Changing Our World

Young Person Chair | Bio


Keynote | 9:55am

Headshot of Judith Turbine. She is a middle-aged white woman with brown hair.

Challenges and optimism in the charity sector: A view from the CEO
Judith Turbyne, CEO Children in Scotland | Bio

Dr Judith Turbyne has spent most of her professional life working in and with the charity sector. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated her dedication to trying to make a meaningful impact on inequality and poverty working both internationally and here in Scotland. Judith joined Children in Scotland as CEO in August 2021. Judith’s insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the charity sector, particularly those working with and for children, are sure to resonate with our audience and contribute to good conversation and debate.


Keynote | 10:20am

Headshot of Jimmy Paul. A mixed-race man with glass, short dark brown hair and a close beard and mustache.

Courageous Leadership for a Safer Tomorrow: Preventing Violence in Scotland
Jimmy Paul, Head of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit | Bio

This talk will highlight the role of the children’s sector in reducing violence and building brighter futures for children in Scotland.  It will explore the need for collaboration over competition, why we must do more to work towards the Promise as an ambitious ‘third horizon’, and the role that leaders have to play to make sure that all children are loved and have relational wealth. 


Morning Tea & Exhibition Open

Workshop Session One | 11:10am

A pink gear shape on a green splotch surrounded by arrow shapes reminiscent of a dandelion puff.

Five workshops to choose from:

  • When young people are risky, complex or ‘stuck’. A case study of integrative working from Kibble | description
  • Learn with LUNA: engaging young people from The LUNA Project | description
  • The lowdown on life after school: Exploring transitions for young people with ASN from ARC Scotland - Scottish Transitions Forum | description
  • All behaviour is communication: distressed behaviour and support at school from Enquire | description
  • Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach from University of Dundee in partnership with Redwell Primary School | description

Panel Discussion | 12:30pm

Children’s Rights and AI: implications and opportunities for the future 

Headshot of Ken Cornish. A middle aged white man with a light brown beard and short hair.

Ken Corish
Online Safety Director, South West Grid for Learning
Panel Moderator | Bio

Headshot of Gregory Metcalf. He is a white man with bright blond hair.

Gregory Metcalfe
AI Project Lead, National Programmes, Children’s Parliament
Panelist | Bio

Headshot of Dr Mhairi Aitken. She is a white woman with long brown hair.

Dr Mhairi Aitken
Ethics Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute
Panelist | Bio

Headshot of Steph Wright, a woman of color with medium toned skin and short brown hair.

Steph Wright
Head of Scottish AI Alliance, The Data Lab

Panelist | Bio

Lunch & Exhibition Open

Workshop Session Two | 2:20pm

A pink gear shape on a green splotch surrounded by arrow shapes reminiscent of a dandelion puff.

Five workshops to choose from:

  • Our story of change:  Making brave choices and investing in services to #KeepThePromise from Harmeny Education Trust | description
  • Supporting healthy weight in Scotland’s children from Obesity Action Scotland | description
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: FASD Makes Me, Me! from FASD Hub Scotland (Adoption UK) | description
  • A day in the life of a young carer from Carers Trust Scotland | description
  • Growing emotionally connected young men from Boys to Men Mentoring – Lockerbie Academy | description

Afternoon Tea & Exhibition Open

Keynote | 3:50pm

Headshot of Molly Cuddihy, a young woman with short brown hair

Adversity: A challenge or an opportunity
Molly Cuddihy, Youth Ambassador for the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity | Bio

In life, adversity is inevitable. It's how we choose to handle these challenges that defines our path to success. From personal setbacks to family crisis, we are each faced with obstacles that can either hold us back not propel us forward. By shifting our mindset and harnessing our potential, hidden within these challenges, we can unlock a world of possibilities.


Day One Conclusion | 4:15pm

AC24 Bios_Graphics_Test A

Nicola Killean
Children and Young People's Commissioner

Adult Chair | Bio

headshot of a young white person

Changing Our World

Young Person Chair | Bio


Headshot of Judith Turbine. She is a middle-aged white woman with brown hair.

Judith Turbyne
CEO Children in Scotland
Closing remarks | Bio


Teal Kibble logo. A K with hands where the spaces in the K should be.
Road Safety Scotland logo, red triangle with scottish flag.
Harmeny Education Trust Logo. A place to live, a space to thrive. On the left is a large H filled with a design of mountains, river, and sun.
Yopa logo in blue

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Programme – Day Two

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Exhibition Hall

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