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Our Conferences

Our conferences help us achieve one of our five strategic aims as an organisation: to lead and develop the children’s sector workforce, so that it is more skilled, knowledgeable and better placed to deliver improved outcomes for all children.

We provide a vital opportunity for the children’s sector, and young people themselves, to be represented, heard and to exchange learning and best practice in order to make change.

We run one-day conferences, which usually cover specific themes, as well as our main, annual conference, which is traditionally held over two-days spanning broader themes.

Annual Conference 2024

After the success of our Annual Conference in November 2022, we knew we wanted to come back and do it all again! We also recognised that November is a very busy time of year for events, and we wanted to take the time to listen to our members, delegates, partners and supporters from across the children’s sector so we can design a conference that met your needs and expectations. After two brilliant days we are proud to say the new spring time conference is here to stay.

Click here for more information and resources from our 2024 Annual Conference

Our delegates said:

  • "Excellent, thought-provoking and inspiring day! Thoroughly enjoyed it."
  • "Brilliant and loved seeing children as part of the delivery "
  • "The conference was well-organised and ran smoothly - the CiS team and the Murrayfield team worked hard and should be commended for their efforts. Thank you."


Early Years Conference 2023

This conference explored the current landscape of the Early Years sector in Scotland and shared learning on how we can ensure the diverse needs of children and families are supported.

The theme of the day, ‘building blocks for change’, reflected our aim for this conference to be an active learning experience, and one that equips practitioners, managers and service providers with practical strategies they can apply to their role.

Our delegates said:

  • "Just such engaging and relevant content. Also acknowledging the challenges but keeping it upbeat is a real art"
  • "Well planned, fast paced with lots of information so it felt very useful."
  • "Really refreshing up to date informative relative information .
    Very valuable solid research insights and experience that can benefit our children and communities"

Click here for more information on our 2023 Early Years Conference

Mental Health Conference 2023

This one-day conference in May 2023 aimed to 'dig deeper' into how we can use intersectional approaches to improve children and young people’s mental health.  Delegates explored how a range of inequalities in our society can compound to affect children's mental health, as well as what we can do to better support young people and their families.

This conference delivered content through keynote speakers, interactive workshops and guided self-care activities.

Click here for more information on our 2023 Mental Health Conference

Our delegates said:

  • "It was a warm, lively and interesting event. I liked the focus on systems of power and oppression"
  • "All the speakers were fantastic - very appropriate and informative. The balance of listening and activities was really good"
  • "I loved the balance of sharing practice, hearing research and experience of self-care"

Annual Conference 2022

Our annual conference has been running for as long as Children in Scotland has been in operation – almost 30 years – and returned in 2022 after a hiatus caused by the Covid pandemic.

The 2022 event was an opportunity for delegates to reconnect, reflect and reimagine the way they delivered services and ran projects after a challenging three years and in the context of the cost-of-living crisis.

Click here for more information on the 2022 conference

Our delegates said:

  • “A truly inspiring, worthwhile, useful, engaging day.” - Anonymous attendee
  • "An absolute privilege to spend time meeting so many people who all want better for all of our children” - Julie Bell, HeadStrong
  • "“A great day at Children in Scotland's Annual conference. It was great sharing the stage with Enquire and Indigo Childcare to discuss what is needed to support children with complex needs accessing early years.”- Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairment
  • “Carefully thought through and curated. Well done to the young people involved in co-design and delivery.” - Anonymous attendee

Our Approach

While we’re always open to testing out new ideas, there are some consistent features to of all our conferences, whether it’s a singular event exploring dedicated policy areas or our flagship annual event. These are:

  • Keynote speakers talking passionately about their learning, research and personal perspectives
  • Workshops sharing latest findings from projects and work with young people and families
  • Children and young people driving decisions about the event, from development to delivery to evaluation
  • Clear crossover with our policy positions and our 2021-26 Manifesto.

Workshop Submissions

Demonstrating our commitment to amplifying the voice of the sector, ahead of our annual conference we appeal for ideas for workshops and carefully consider all submissions.

In 2022, the process resulted in 25 varied and exciting workshops run across two days, with topics ranging from supporting LGBT young people to expressive arts experiences and the voice of the child.

For bespoke conferences, often delivered with partnership organisations, we select workshop ideas to best capture themes and meet delegates’ professional development needs.

Young people's voices

Whether it’s our annual conference or a bespoke conference event, the involvement of children and young people is of critical importance. At the 2022 annual conference, for example, our youth advisory group was involved in shaping all aspects of the event.

As Changing our World member Shuman said of the 2022 event, “My favourite part of planning the annual conference was sharing my ideas with others and seeing what they think. Alongside that I enjoyed learning about how to plan and organise a conference.”

This commitment to young people’s input aligns with our 2021-26 Manifesto, the role and input of our youth advisory group Changing our World, and our Participation Guidelines.

Click here to access our Guidelines for Meaningful Participation with Children and Young People


Annual Conference 2024

Find out what has been announced so far

Click here to find out more

Early Years Conference 2023

Find out about our most recent conference

Click here to find out more

Mental Health Conference 2023

Find out more about our previous conference

Click here to find out more

Annual Conference 2022

Find out more about our last Annual Conference

Click here to find out more

Upcoming training events

Browse our current range of learning opportunities

Click here to access

Changing Our World

Our young people's advisory group shaped our most recent Conference

Click here to find out more

Meaningful Participation

Read our Guidelines for Meaningful Participation with Children and Young People

Click here to access

Our eLearning Hub

Take a look at the range of free learning courses currently available on the Hub

Click here to access