Closure of Glasgow’s Legacy Hub nursery ‘devastating’ for children
It was announced on Friday 25 January that the Legacy Hub and the nursery within it, in the Parkhead / Dalmarnock area of Glasgow, has gone into administration. The nursery ceased to operate with immediate effect.
Responding to the news, Sally Cavers, Children in Scotland’s Head of Inclusion and project manager of CHANGE: Childcare and Nurture, Glasgow East, said:
“The CHANGE team was very sorry to hear that the People’s Development Trust, who manage the Legacy Hub and nursery has gone into administration.We appreciate this must have been a very difficult decision for the management board.
This is devastating for the children and families affected. We are aware of 40 children involved, meaning that unless parents have been able to set up emergency cover this will have a huge impact on parents’ ability to get to work today.
The impact on the children attending the early years provision will be profound. All guidance around best practice in the early years stresses the importance of relationships with key staff and the importance of involving children in changes to their care and support. This decision also means that up to 23 staffat the centre have lost their employment.
Glasgow City Council has issued information on provision that is available locally. Click here for details of nearby services through a postcode search
These services can be contacted by parents enquiring about spaces.
Like other organisations in the area, the CHANGE team will offer support to organisations considering what could be offered from the centre.”

CHANGE: Childcare and Nurture, Glasgow East
Find out more about CHANGE a three-year project working to create better childcare in the East of Glasgow
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