Children in Scotland calls become pledges in party manifestos
Calls from Children in Scotland to promote and strengthen the rights and experiences of children and young people are supported across the local election manifestos of Scotland’s main political parties.
Included in at least one party manifesto are pledges to:
- prioritise early learning and childcare
- ensure all families receive the benefits and support they are entitled to
- provide adequate resource for additional support for learning
- put children and young people at the heart of decision-making
- make better use of school estate facilities to serve community needs; and
- protect mental health services are included in at least one party manifesto.
These are calls we sent to all local election candidates last month.
The only call not reflected in at least one party manifesto is a commitment to provide better support for children and young people who have experienced trauma.
Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy at Children in Scotland, said:
“We are pleased to see focus across the political spectrum on the key areas of early years and childcare, education, health and social care, housing, and local devolution.
“We will work hard to ensure that the specific issue of providing better support for children and young people who have experienced trauma is brought onto local authorities’ agendas following the election.”

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