Children and young people to lead 'media takeover' in Scotland
Children and young people from across Scotland will take over programmes and online content on a leading media outlet as part of a major participation project planned for later this year.
Funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Young Start Award and led by Children in Scotland in partnership with Children in Need, the project will provide a rare opportunity for children and young people to be directly represented in mainstream Scottish media, sharing their views on the issues that matter most to them.
Announcing the project, Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive Jackie Brock said:
“The media plays a very significant role in how young people learn about themselves and the rest of the world. It can have a massive impact on public opinion, including perceptions of children and young people.
“Complementing the aims of the Year of Young People, this project will harness the power of the media to give children and young people a voice. It will also help the media to better understand how young people act, think and communicate, improving the quality and accessibility of future programming and content.
Maureen McGinn, Big Lottery Fund Scotland Chair, said: “Congratulations to Children in Scotland on their successful Young Start Award. This project is a unique opportunity for a diverse range of young people to share their experiences and express their opinions in a high-profile way. It will develop skills and confidence and is an excellent example of the type of activity which Young Start funding makes possible.”
Recruitment of young people to take part in the project will begin soon.
Children in Scotland will actively seek to engage young people who do not normally get the chance to have their voices heard on TV and radio. The project will involve a diverse group of young people, taking into consideration additional support needs, age, gender, sexual identity, ethnicity, geographical location and social background.
Ms Brock added: “We believe all young people have something to offer, and we will support them to showcase their unique experience. We will seek to empower children who have less or different opportunities than others. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to embrace the spirit of Scotland’s Year of Young People and support children and young people to set the agenda.”
More details about the project will be announced in early summer.
Media contacts
Lisa Clark
Chris Small

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