CHANGE Childcare: Childminder resource
The Clyde Gateway Childminding Project (CGCP) is a partnership project led by Clyde Gateway. The other partners involved in the project are the CHANGE project from Children in Scotland, the Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) and Jobs and Business Glasgow (JBG).
Staff from Children in Scotland carried out engagement sessions with children at Rising Stars Orr Street, an Out of School Care (OSC) service in Glasgow and Burgh Primary School. During these sessions we gathered children’s thoughts and opinions about Childminding and what makes a good Childminder.
These findings are presented below in a colourful resource that we produced with illustrator Molly Robertson.
Click here to read the resource (Opens in PDF)

CHANGE: Childcare and Nurture Glasgow East
CHANGE is a project working to create better childcare for communities in the East of Glasgow
Visit the website