Booking opens for unique online Learning Week
19 February 2021
Booking is now open for our first ever Children in Scotland Learning Week. Our unique five-day online event will bring together a range of experts and organisations to share ideas, perspectives and possible solutions to some of the biggest challenges currently facing the children’s sector.
The week-long series of events will take place from Monday 22 March to Friday 26 March offering five days of sharing, learning and connecting.
Karin McKenny, Learning and Events Manager at Children in Scotland said:
“We know how much our Annual Conference is valued across the sector and we were deeply disappointed to not be in a position to deliver this key event in the calendar during 2020.
“With the restrictions around public gatherings still in place, and likely to remain so for some time yet, we have had to be innovative in how we continue to provide top-class learning, training and CPD.
"The result is our Learning Week which we hope strikes the balance of providing the quality event we would usually be delivering in person, but with added flexibility to engage around other commitments and time pressures.”
The programme has been designed around five key themes:
- Mental Health Monday
- Together Tuesday
- Wellbeing Wednesday
- Transforming Thursday
- Family Friday
One ticket gives access to all content produced as part of Learning Week, including live sessions and pre-recorded content. Delegates are encouraged to attend events live, but all sessions will be recorded allowing access at a later, more convenient time if preferred.
Tickets are from £55 per person.

Spring training and events
View all our forthcoming webinars and training events on our Eventbrite hub
Click to browse the programme
Children in Scotland magazine - Issue 200
Our anniversary edition is available now to read, download and share for free
Click to read the magazine