BeXcellent – a Curriculum for Excellence project (2014)
BeXcellent involved a team of children and young people creating and managing a website for other young people, so that they share their experiences of learning through Curriculum for Excellence.
The project aimed to empower children and young people, providing them with the necessary support so they could make informed and creative decisions that illustrate Curriculum for Excellence in action.
As part of this, they created a relevant, interesting and entertaining resource: the BeXcellent website.
The website was launched as part of a major event in March 2014. For more information, see our Leaders of Learning project.
For more information about this project contact Children in Scotland’s policy team: email

BeXcellent website
A website designed by and for young people with the sole purpose of informing, engaging and empowering children and young people about Curriculum for Excellence.
Visit website