Better Eating, Better Learning: a project about food in Scotland's schools (2015)
The Better Eating, Better Learning (BEBL) project consulted with children and young people to inform recommendations for the development of school food services in Scotland.
We worked with six schools in the Highlands, Glasgow, North Ayrshire and Argyll and Bute worked on the project.
Each school selected one or more themes they wanted to focus on, in close collaboration with Children in Scotland staff working on the project.
Using participatory approaches, the schools developed their own programmes.
They shared their work and self-evaluation tools through a special event held in March 2015 and the guide Better Eating, Better Learning: A Guide for Children and Young People to Assess School Food, published in September 2015.
The guide aimed to:
- showcase and celebrate the work of the six schools participating in BEBL
- suggest ways pupils could identify what needs improved in their schools, using the experiences of the schools as a starting point
- highlight what pupils and teachers could learn from the project overall.