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Five benefits of lifelong learning

Did you know that learning new skills can boost your confidence? Or that upskilling can help you make new professional connections?

At Children in Scotland, we are passionate about continuous learning, not only for career development but for the many wellbeing benefits it can provide, too. Here’s our top five reasons to engage your brain and learn something new.

1. Motivation

After doing the same role for a while, it’s easy and quite common to start feeling a lack of motivation and drive, especially if you’re not challenged by your current responsibilities. Starting a new course or qualification can bring back some of your ‘get up and go’ and help with focus and productivity as you learn new skills.

2. Confidence

Expanding your skills through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can lead to a massive boost in self-esteem as you gain positive feedback and grow more confident in your abilities. And who doesn’t love that feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a new project?

3. Better working relationships

Workplace training courses aren’t just about achieving individual goals – by working through new learning programmes as a team, you’ll make connections with colleagues and foster better communication, creating a trusting and collaborative environment.

4. Improved memory and concentration

Did you know that learning a new skill is like a workout for the mind? From completing crossword puzzles to revising coursework, challenging your brain to learn something new can create new neural connections, improve executive functions and even help us remember new information.

5. New opportunities

Expanding your existing skills and knowledge, and maintaining professional qualifications, can give you a competitive edge when it comes to applying for new jobs – and also show employers that you’re interested in progression.

If you’ve been inspired to learn something new, did you know that we offer a range free courses? Check out our eLearning Hub (click here for more), where you'll find a range of online programmes relevant to the children’s sector, including a new module on Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC), and a course on understanding visual impairment in preschool children.

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Building a brighter culture of play for children and young people

Today, Wednesday 7 August, marks Playday, the annual celebration of children and young people’s right to play.

With the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child (UNCRC) now incorporated into Scots law, including Article 31 which outlines children's right to play and relax in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment, it's never been more important to highlight the critical role of games, art, creativity, sports, and many more playful activities. 

Here, Cherie Morgan, Director of Projects at Play Scotland, shares what the charity is doing to celebrate the UK's national day of play.

Playday is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday in August, and this year, we are focusing on play as part of the “culture of childhood”.

Play is at the core of children’s lives, and it's vital for health, happiness, and creativity – and through play they can learn and achieve so much, including:

  • Developing a sense of, and value, for culture
  • Working together, negotiating, and building relationships
  • Feeling connected to each other and their neighbourhoods
  • Creating and passing on games, songs and stories
  • Cultural exploration is also encouraged, fostering an appreciation for diversity

As thousands of children and young people come together to celebrate play at local and regional events on the UK’s National Day of Play, it provides a timely opportunity to highlight the need for a renewed commitment to play at all levels across society.

Play Scotland is celebrating the child’s right to play with delivery partner ScrapAntics
Play Scotland is celebrating the child’s right to play with delivery partner ScrapAntics

Playday provides a wonderful opportunity for children, families and communities to plan to play together. Scotland is well on its way to becoming a play-friendly country with play at the heart of our culture of childhood, and we all have a responsibility to make sure that every child gets to play, every day.

This Playday, we invite families, playworkers, decision makers, and all those who work with children across the UK, to join together to foster a culture of play. It is hugely important that we all take action to ensure that children and young people are able to fully realise their right to play.

Play is every child’s right. On Playday and every day, let’s unite to create a more playful future for our children and young people.

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Play Scotland work to make the child’s right to play a reality.

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#NoWrongPath: Children in Scotland staff share advice on SQA results day

Today, Tuesday 6 August, young people up and down the country will be feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves as they receive their exam results.

Whether planning to head off to university or enter the world of work, finding out what grades they have achieved can be an overwhelming moment for many young people, and so to put minds at ease and celebrate every win, Children in Scotland staff have opened up about their own career journeys. Here, discover their advice and learn why there’s #NoWrongPath.

Billy Anderson, Head of Services

Greyscale headshot of a man smiling at the camera. His hair is short and he is wearing a shirt

After leaving school at 15 with five O Levels, Billy started a two-year YTS (Youth Training Scheme) to become an Agricultural Engineer, following that career for another six years before working as a welder making agricultural feeding equipment. After later working in car body shop, he decided to enrol on a social care course at college while taking on two mentoring roles for teenagers via the Youth Justice and Integrated Substance Service.

After completing his college course, he signed up to study for a degree in Health and Social Studies, later working for the NHS and the Aberlour Child Care Trust. Having retrained and changed careers, he says there’s lots of different ways to pursue your passions.

“After I finished my degree, I worked for NHS in community health development for a year or so, and then focused on children and young people with a role at the Aberlour Child Care Trust,” he explained. “Eights years later, I went to Australia and volunteered with a few children's charities. When I came back to UK, I started working at Donaldson's Grant Aided Special School, and after four years, took on an associate role with Children in Scotland.

“I eventually left Donaldsons to work part-time for Children in Scotland as a Senior Officer coordinating My Rights, My Say, and at the same time took on the role of Development manager at Circle. I was also a mentor for Autistic adults during COVID for Scottish Autism's Affinity initiative, and two years ago I applied for my current role of Head of Services at Children in Scotland.

“For young people getting their results, it’s important to remember that no matter what the grades, you have time on your side to experience things and work out what really interests you. I never had a clue and started university as a mature student – I don't think I could have gone from school straight to uni as I wouldn't have been ready. To some degree I still don't know what I want to do, but I know where my passion and skills lie, and that is in supporting and helping people to be all that they can. But I really did love painting cars,  too!”

Julie Thomson, Communications & Marketing Manager

A greyscale image of a smiling person with long dark hair

Julie studied Ancient History and Archaeology and French at university, and started working in communications after graduation. She later became a fundraiser and spent several years working at a big hospital in Dublin, however, after the recission hit, decided to move to Edinburgh to study marketing.

She said: “After my degree, I went on about 100 interviews and didn’t get anywhere, so I ended up pulling pints for much longer than I had hoped. That felt like a really low point in my life, and I didn’t attend my 10-year school reunion because I felt rubbish and didn’t want to tell anyone what I was doing.

“However, I happened to meet someone with a digital startup, and although I didn’t know anything about this area, she gave me a shot. I kept shaking the cocktails while also getting to know all things digital marketing.

“I finally got back into charities, and I have been doing comms and marketing ever since. I love the idea that there’s #NoWrongPath and I wish I could have heard it a bit more in my 20s!”

Susie Dalton, Participation and Communications Officer - My Rights, My Say

A greyscale image of a smiling person with hair below their shoulders

Just like Julie, Susie also studied archaeology at university – having been sold on getting to go on excavations in warm countries! During her degree, she started working in a museum in Edinburgh, delivering educational sessions to children from visiting schools, and also volunteered with children's charities, Scottish Women's Aid, and Glasgow Women's Library.

After graduation, unsure of her next steps and applying to lots of jobs, she eventually got a position in the call centre of an environmental packaging company. From there, she was promoted to the company's communications team.

“My promotion came off the back of another part-time job doing blog writing for a charity, and I was there for two years in total.” she said. “At the same time, I started learning how to make ceramics through Edinburgh City Council classes, and an opportunity came up to do a summer apprenticeship in a pottery up north, so I quit my job and went for it!

“At the end of that apprenticeship, a job came up on the heritage project I had volunteered on with Scottish Women's Aid and Glasgow Women's Library. I ended up working at Scottish Women's Aid for five years, being promoted from the heritage project to working with Women's Aid services and eventually leading on Children's Policy work.

“I was still making art as a creative outlet and stress relief, and I loved it so much that I decided to do a masters in Fine Art. Going back to university as a mature student was so good as I appreciated the opportunity to learn so much more than I did when I had come straight from school. I now work as a freelance artist, and as an arts tutor at the Dundee Ceramics Workshop and Leith School of Art.

“I joined the My Rights, My Say Team at the end of last year, and I'm now able to combine creative projects with working with young people, which I'm so happy about. I finally feel like I get to do both of the things I'm most passionate about!

“It can take a while to work out where you want to put your energy and efforts, and that's OK. For me, the best way to work this out is by getting out there and doing things – whether that's working, volunteering, making things or travelling. Go out and get different experiences, learn a range of skills, and make pals along the way. A path will eventually form.”

Judith Turbyne, Chief Executive

Black and white headshot of a woman with short dark hair. She is smiling at the camera. She is wearing dangly earrings, a white lace top, and is standing in front of the water, with a town visible on the other side.

From working front of house at the Assembly Rooms during the Fringe to becoming a life model while completing her PhD, Judith has done a lot of what she calls “fun jobs” – and not so fun ones, too. Starting her time at university focused on chemistry, she later transitioned to study psychology, which led to a voluntary role with an organisation in Guatemala.

She explained: “After my role in Guatemala, I went back to studying economics, politics and sociology in International Development, and I also did a PhD on empowerment in development. Over that time, I worked in Central America and the Caribbean with a couple of organisations, as well as in London and Dublin, but family eventually drew me home and I worked with the Scottish Charity Regulator before I was given the great privilege of taking up my role at Children in Scotland.

“It’s so important to do something that will ultimately bring you some joy. Looking back on my career, it looks like I had some planned-out career path, but I have tended to follow my interest and passion. There is absolutely no pressure to find out what you want to do when you are just coming out of school. You may be lucky and the first thing you do will be the thing you want to do forever. But for many people, it is a journey – and it can be a convoluted one. Work might not always be fun, but trying to find the fun, the passion, and something that keeps you enthusiastic, is worth so much more than the money.

“The truth is, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. And that is also okay.”

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Caledonia Play designs play solutions for children with additional support needs

For children with additional support needs, adventurous outdoor play can be a therapeutic experience that provides a moment of serenity outside of everyday life.

And for those who design and build play equipment, appreciating the elongated and repetitive nature of many beneficial play activities also means understanding the demands placed on the kit.

According to Jamie Bruce Jones, who heads up the team at Caledonia Play, an independent manufacturer of quality wooden outdoor play equipment, creating unique and robust swings and slides that allow children to explore and challenge themselves is a detailed process.

“It is incumbent upon us to recognise the relentless rough and tumble to which our equipment will be subjected,” he explained. “Working with Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools over the years means I know our equipment will be tested to the limit, so we design our kit using bigger diameters to ensure they can withstand the forces going through them.”

Adapting play equipment designs for SEN environments can involve everything from using wider swing seats to raising sandpits to accommodate wheelchairs, but Jamie says there’s lots to consider during the process.

A man wearing a brown hat and green fleece jumper sits in a large outdoor wooden chair
Jamie Bruce Jones

He continued: “Working with parents of children with additional support needs, we’ve learnt that some kids don’t like things passing their peripheral vision. For example, if they’re on a swing, the legs of the equipment will pass them repeatedly, which could cause anxiety. To minimise this, we widen the frame and position the swings more in the middle to ensure the users are further away from the legs of the swing, giving them more space and clearance.”

A new piece of kit recently launched by Caledonia Play emphasises the importance of this adaptation and refinement process. The Super Swing is a new domestic-use timber swing that has been specifically designed for children and adults with additional support needs, and can accommodate extended and repetitive use, which is known to promote calmness.

Jamie says the new kit was inspired by the company’s commercial solutions that deliver meditative benefits to SEN users, but this time in a domestic setting. The Super Swing has subsequently become the company’s first domestic product specifically created with additional support needs and disabilities in mind.

“The inspiration came from conversations we’d had with so many parents of children and young adults with additional needs,” he explained. “Many were neurodiverse and relied heavily on a swing because the vestibular activity is calming and therapeutic. It had become a mainstay of their daily lives.”

A large timber frame swing set sits in a leafy green garden bathed in sunshine. In the foreground, there are purple flowers.
The Super Swing has been designed with additional support needs in mind

Unfortunately, conventional swing solutions will only last the pace for a while before showing signs of instability. By contrast, The Super Swing is constructed using slow-grown round timbers and heavy-duty galvanised swing points with washer plates and nyloc nuts.

“A larger swing seat was also required,” Jamie noted. “We used a special commercial grade seat that was specifically designed for adults and disabled users. It was also important to eliminate movement either at the top of the frame or at ground level, so we added two extra diagonal braces and extended the legs for digging into the ground without losing the frame height.”

When it comes to SEN play equipment, Jamie says the details matter: “First and foremost, we build play equipment that can accommodate repetitive and continual use, but we also ensure the user feels safe and can enjoy the experience. Play is about exploration and activity and that is as equally valid for the SEN communities as it is for everyone.”

For more information about The Super Swing, visit

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David Mackay: “The current scale of child poverty is a result of political choice”

As children, young people and families call for change, David Mackay, our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, reflects on the recent King’s Speech, exploring the growing pressure on the UK Government to tackle child poverty, give young people more say in political decisions, and ensure society is more equal and fair for all.

Last week saw a mini rebellion in the Labour benches as MPs voted on an amendment to the King’s Speech lodged by SNP MP Stephen Flynn. The vote was the first major test of Keir Starmer’s premiership and continues to put pressure on the Labour Party’s policy position around the two-child limit.

The two-child limit restricts child tax credit and universal credit to the first two children in most households. The policy keeps thousands of families trapped in poverty, affecting low-income families across the UK. Within Scotland alone, it's estimated the policy impacts 87,000 children, while projections indicate that scrapping the two-child limit would immediately lift 300,000 children out of poverty across the UK.

For a government elected on the promise of change, many have questioned why such an unfair and punitive policy is allowed to remain, and why scrapping the limit – which was originally implemented by George Osbourne in 2017 – is not a key priority for the Labour Party. Much has been written in newspaper articles and on social media over the last few months and weeks and the message coming from across civil society is clear – the sooner we see the back of the two-child limit, the better.

Labour has said it will not commit to spending plans without them being fully costed, and has announced a new cross-government taskforce to tackle child poverty. This will be little comfort to the one in four children in Scotland who are currently feeling the effects of poverty on a day-to-day basis.

We know that growing up in poverty can have wide-ranging impacts.

Poverty strips away opportunities for children and young people to grow, learn and lead happy and thriving childhoods. As we scrutinise Westminster decision-making, it is important for us all to remember that the current scale of child poverty in Scotland and the wider UK is a result of political choice.

Children in Scotland has been calling for the two-child limit to be scrapped for many years through our campaigning work with the End Child Poverty Coalition (click here for more). It was also a call in Children in Scotland’s Manifesto for the 2019 General Election. Through our membership and work with partners, we will continue to apply pressure to the UK Government, as well as calling for increases to anti-poverty measures here in Scotland, including an immediate uplift to the Scottish Child Payment.

Children in Scotland had hoped the King’s Speech would progress another of our key 2019 Manifesto calls – to reduce the voting age to 16 for all parliamentary elections across the UK.

While this policy pledge was included in the Labour General Election Manifesto, a bill to reduce the voting age was not included in the King’s Speech, although Labour says it is still committed to introducing the change. Young people aged 16 and 17 in Scotland were given the chance to vote in Scottish Government elections and local elections back in 2015, and we know through our direct work with young people that many are passionate about democracy and voting. They are eager to have their voices heard and, nearly a decade on, it is surely well past time for this change across the UK.

Finally, the King’s Speech also announced that Labour will reintroduce a Tobacco and Vapes Bill. This proposed legislation was originally introduced by Rishi Sunak but had to be scrapped with the announcement of the General Election and the dissolution of parliament. Under plans, there will be a ban on disposable vapes and limitations introduced on the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes, so they don’t appear as attractive to children and young people.

Children in Scotland’s youth advisory group, Changing our World, will be pleased to hear this news. They have been campaigning for increased restrictions around vapes for nearly two years. You can find out more about their views in their recent evidence paper (click here for more).

During this General Election campaign, Children in Scotland has joined the Children at the Table (click here for more) movement, calling for the needs and ‘voices’ of babies, children and young people to be placed at the heart of decision-making in the new government.

As a policy and campaigning organisation, we understand that change takes time, however, when it comes to cruel policies that punish some of the most vulnerable within our society, change cannot come soon enough. By focusing on work to improve the lives of babies, children and young people, and investing in children and families, we hope the positive change we are all looking for will come sooner rather than later.

About the Author

David Mackay is Children in Scotland's Head of Policy, Projects and Participation.

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Young people call on the new government to put youth voices at heart of policy-making, as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award shares new research

Young people from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) are calling on the new government to back a Youth Pledge, committing to give young people a meaningful say on policies that affect them, as new research from the charity shows young people feel politicians don’t listen to their views or share their priorities.

Published on Tuesday, 23 July, the DofE Youth Voices 2024 study sought views on the political and personal issues that matter most to young people aged 14 to 24, and found that housing, the NHS, cost of living and mental health ranked highest among respondents.

However, young people also felt these areas are considered least important by political leaders, and 66% said they believe politicians in the UK are most likely to listen to those aged over 35.

And with just 22% of respondents agreeing with the phrase “politicians in the UK listen to people of my age”, DofE Award holders personally delivered a letter to 10 Downing Street to call on the new government and parliamentarians to respond to the disconnect and disillusion felt by many young people.

The letter called for MPs to back a Youth Pledge, which outlines a commitment to introduce a clear process to ensure that youth voices are factored into all levels of policy and decision-making over the coming years.

A diverse group of young people stand outside in a group, laughing and smiling together
L-R: Young people Yahya, Connor, Fiza, Jess, who are doing their DofE Award

Poppy, 19, a Bronze, Silver, and Gold DofE Award holder, who was among the group of young people delivering the letter to Number 10, said: “For too long, young people like me have been shut out of the conversation and having our views overlooked by adults who are making decisions that will affect the rest of our lives. Our views and experiences matter too, and politicians can learn from what we have to say.

“As a new government takes office, they have a fresh opportunity to reassure young people that they are listening to our hopes, concerns and priorities. Policy makers must consult us on decisions that affect us. We are the future of this country and we deserve a seat at the table.”

Ruth Marvel OBE, CEO of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, said: “Our findings clearly show that young people are ambitious for their own futures, but they continue to feel unheard and unsupported on the issues that will define their lives and careers.

“The new government must use this moment to acknowledge that disconnect and prove they’re listening by giving young people meaningful opportunities to be consulted on policy decisions that affect them, including through youth networks, youth-led organisations, the UK Youth Parliament and local youth partnerships and policy networks.

"Young people are this country’s future and should have a say on decisions that will fundamentally impact the rest of their lives.”

To read the Youth Voices 2024 report in full, click here to visit

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

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One Parent Families Scotland invites supporters to “share your voice” ahead of milestone anniversary

One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) has invited supporters to help mark the charity’s 80th anniversary by sharing how its vital support services have made an impact.

Celebrating the incredible work that OPFS has accomplished over the past eight decades, single parents, staff members, volunteers and all other supporters who have worked with the charity are encouraged to share personal anecdotes, milestone moments, heartfelt messages, photographs and poems.

The charity, which has been changing lives and challenging poverty since 1944, said: “We warmly invite you to help us celebrate our legacy by sharing the stories that have shaped OPFS into the organisation it is today. We’d also love to hear stories from single parents of all ages, spanning as many decades as possible!

“By celebrating the incredible work that OPFS has accomplished over the years, your story can inspire others to join our mission for a Scotland where single parents and their children are valued and treated equally and fairly.”

Open for submissions until 31 July 2024, shared photos and stories will be used to build a brand-new page on the charity’s website, which will highlight the vast and varied work OPFS has done to empower single-parent families to reach their full potential.

To take part and share your story, click here to visit One Parent Families Scotland’s website

One Parent Families Scotland

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Children in Scotland launches two new eLearning modules to support practitioners and young people through trauma

Children in Scotland has today added two new courses to its dynamic eLearning Hub, providing innovative opportunities for both practitioners and children and young people to better understand trauma and its impacts.

Available for free as part of the charity’s commitment to supporting the children’s sector, the new programmes build upon the “More Than My Trauma” partnership and international conference, which was first delivered in 2021, and provide accessible information and guidance crafted by leading experts in the field.

Designed to support practitioners who work with children and young people experiencing trauma, the Recognising and supporting vicarious trauma course explores how working in the children's sector can impact mental health, and provides pratical advice and strategies to support workers with their own wellbeing while fulfilling their role.

From burnout to compassion fatigue, the course touches on a range of topics, and will be beneficial to professionals from a range of backgrounds.

Psychotherapist, consultant and coach Jan Montgomery, who helped to design the course, explained: “I was happy to provide the content for this eLearning module because it is important for everyone who provides support to understand how that work may be impacting them.

“If we understand this at a personal, professional and organisation level, we are less likely to be negatively impacted and more likely to be able to bring our best, most authentic self to work and thrive in our lives.”

An image of a pinboard with different pieces of paper and photographs pinned to it.
Let's talk trauma: preview of the module's learning pathway

Created specifically with children and young people in mind, Let's talk trauma: a guide for young people and professionals, is a vital resource for professionals and young people to work through together. The psychoeducation content for this module was developed by trauma experts from Kibble (click here for more), in collaboration with Children in Scotland, and explores how trauma can affect everyone's brains and bodies differently.

Dan Johnson, Clinical Director at Kibble, said: "We were really keen to develop this module as we knew there was a surprising lack of free and quality resources like it. Having something that can help explain what trauma is – and in a way that young people can respond to – can be invaluable. Hopefully it will increase understanding and be a small yet important part of young people recovering. It has been a pleasure to work alongside Children in Scotland and shows what can be achieved through collaboration".

Marie Harrison, Senior Policy Officer (Children’s Rights) for My Rights, My Say, said: “It has been a pleasure to be involved in the development of this eLearning course. Our Service teams work alongside children and young people who have experienced trauma, and we know how important it is for them to have relatable, clear, meaningful information and support available.

“With this module, we hope that children and young people who have experienced trauma will gain a sense that they are not alone, and that their feelings and emotions are valid. Trauma can be a difficult thing to talk about and many children tell us that ‘it isn’t a big deal’ or ‘I’ll get over it somehow’ or ‘it’s only what I deserve’, so we hope this amazing resource will allow children and young people to open up conversations and discuss their worries, fears and hopes for the future, supported by people close to them.”

Encouraging young people and practitioners to identify ways to cope with and recover from trauma, as part of the course, Children in Scotland’s Services team created “characters” from a composite of children and young people’s experiences, which were then voiced by actors from the Theatre School of Scotland (click here for more).

Marie added: “It was important for us to work on the character development for this module – we wanted the characters to be relatable and, as far as possible, representative of some of the different types of trauma children and young people can experience. We wanted to make sure that the characters amplify and highlight the truth about trauma – that all children and young people will react differently and there is no one right or wrong way to deal with it. What is important is to ensure that young people get the support they feel they need, not what others dictate should happen.”

Speaking about the development of the new training modules, Simon Massey, Children in Scotland’s Head of Engagement and Learning, said: “Our two new courses provide excellent learning opportunities, which fill gaps around supporting practitioners while providing clear information to young people. I’ve been impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm demonstrated by those developing them and would encourage anyone who is working in their field to access the modules for free on the Children in Scotland eLearning Hub.”

Launched in December 2020, Children in Scotland’s eLearning Hub provides a range of online programmes in collaboration with organisations and services across Scotland’s children’s sector, and the two new trauma courses will join a new module on Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) launched last month and a course on understanding visual impairment in preschool children which will launch later in 2024.

For more information on the new More Than My Trauma courses, click here to visit our eLearning Hub

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Five child-friendly nature activities for the summer holidays

With the school holidays fast approaching, many parents, families and caregivers will be on the hunt for summer activities that are not only purse-friendly but engaging and educational, too – and luckily, leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation is on hand to help.

From venturing outdoors to learn about insects to improving maths skills through butterfly spotting, discover the environmental charity's top recommendations for free and fun nature-led activities the whole family will love.

1. Join the Big Butterfly Count

Take part in the world’s biggest butterfly survey this July and August.  It only takes 15 minutes, it's fun and free, and also helps scientists understand how butterflies are doing across the UK.

Last year, for the first time ever, the most counted butterfly was the Red Admiral, with a whopping 248,077 recorded! Will it keep the top spot? Help the charity find out by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count as many times as you like, wherever you like, between July 12 and August 4 2024.

For more information, visit (click here for more) or download the free app.

2. Make and fly a butterfly kite

Not only will a fun craft project get your little ones outside in the fresh air, the charity's simple but effective butterfly kite-making activity is easy and requires few materials. No breeze? No problem! Try running with the kite behind you to get it to soar... Or should that be flutter?

Click here to access the template as well as a handy video guide.

3. Learn about butterfly body parts 

Ever wondered how many legs a butterfly has? Or if they can smell? Spark little ones’ curiosity this summer holidays with some fun facts about butterflies before heading out to see what you can spot.

Click here to watch Butterfly Conservation’s video all about butterfly body parts, learn more and plan your fun lesson.

A small pink and yellow moth sits on a child's finger.

4. Grow a wild home for butterflies and moths

Growing plants in pots can provide valuable food for butterflies and moths in any outdoor space, whether it be a patio, balcony, rented garden, or even a front doorstep! There are lots of plants to choose from that are child-friendly, liked by butterflies, and will thrive in a pot – as long as you remember to water them!

Here are a few of Butterfly Conservation’s top picks:

Nasturtium – this edible plant produces bright, colourful flowers and the leaves are irresistible to the caterpillars of the Large and Small White butterfly. They are really easy to grow from seed and the seeds are a good size for small hands to handle too.

Herbs – herbs make fantastic pot plants and can be enjoyed by humans and wildlife alike. Chives, Marjoram, Thyme, and Bergamot all produce flowers that insects love and are usually easy to find as seeds or plants from a garden centre, supermarket or online.

Salvia – this attractive plant grows well in containers,and there are lots of different sizes and colours to choose from. The flowers are loved by pollinators and their bushy leaves provide shelter for many other insects.

For more ideas, visit (click here for more).

5. Look out for caterpillar clues

Spotting caterpillars can be tricky. While a few bright and colourful ones stand out, most are the masters of disguise! From looking for munched leaves to heading out under the cover of darkness, Butterfly Conservation has lots of top tips for spotting caterpillars, as well as resources to plan an educational caterpillar hunt with children of all ages.

Click here for a step-by-step guide and free downloadable worksheets.

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The road to safer journeys for children and young people

With responsibility for road safety learning and publicity, Road Safety Scotland’s (RSS) learning resources have always been ‘child-centric’, co-produced with teachers and pupils, and linked to Curriculum for Excellence.

Aiming to ensure all learning resources are of a high quality and fully fit-for-purpose, RSS recently commissioned The Leith Agency to create new educational material for several of its online resources. Working with Children in Scotland's Policy, Projects and Participation Team, RSS also sought the voices and opinions of children and young people to ensure the information would engage learners in a way that was appropriate, relevant and challenging to them. Here, we find out more.

RSS believes road safety learning should be accessible for all children and young people in Scotland, with access to key learning made available at every stage on their journey towards becoming safe, independent road users.

The foundation for all RSS activity is a commitment to the use of analysis and evidence, and RSS has been at the forefront of driving an evidence-informed approach to road safety learning and publicity in Scotland for many years.

RSS sees road safety as a lifelong-learning process and, therefore, the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will be required when young people become independent road users – across all modes, including as pedestrians, cyclists, passengers and drivers – need to be embedded from the start.

When it came to creating new digital resources, RSS knew children's voices would be vital, and asked the Participation Team at Children in Scotland (click here for more) to help support the involvement of young people to share their views on the review and re-design.

Parisa Shirazi, Children in Scotland’s Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, who helped lead recent in-person sessions explained: Our approach to engagement is framed around the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) with a focus on Article 12, which states children and young people have the right to have their views heard on the issues that affect their lives.

“Young people have invaluable perspectives, views and voices, and it is our job to create the spaces and opportunities for them to be involved. From our own experience, involving children and young people not only enriches the process of creating new resources or policy ideas, but also makes the end result so much better than it would have been.”

A hand-drawn map details a local town centre, including road markings and pavements, buildings, cars, and traffic lights
Artwork created by children and young people during the RSS workshops

In the first phase of the project, Children in Scotland worked with secondary school pupils, delivering sessions at King’s Park Secondary School in Glasgow, and Marr College in Troon.

Parisa continued: “We spent time with pupils to see what they think young people should learn about in road safety, find out their views on the current resources available, and give them the chance to come up with their own prototypes of fun resources to share their ‘top tips’ with the designers.

“We were really impressed with the thoughtfulness and insight of the young people, who came up with ideas such as a future-proofing ‘cringe check’ of the new resources carried out by young people before they go out.

“We are currently involving more children and young people across Scotland in this work, through delivering sessions in primary schools and specialist support settings, and sharing an engagement pack that education staff can use with pupils. We look forward to hearing their ideas.”

RSS is currently undertaking a review of all its road safety learning resources to ensure they are accessible for children and young people with mild-moderate additional support needs, while also developing a new road safety resource for children with complex additional support needs, which will be ready by spring 2025.

With resources spanning the 3-18 curriculum, RSS says it is imperative learners are engaged in experiential and active learning, helping them prepare to make safer choices to protect themselves and others in the road environment.

Debbie Nicol, from Road Safety Scotland, added: “Many children and young people don’t have the ability to make good judgements about safe road use, and a lack of experience means they are at greater risk.

“These days, children and young people enjoy more freedom and travel further from home to school, college or social events and, although their road safety knowledge is high, it’s often not used. They may know what they should do – but they often make mistakes or are unsure of how to use their road safety knowledge.

“Updating our resources has been vital to ensure children and young people’s learning about road safety is not only age-appropriate, but a lifelong practice that is both accessible and engaging.”

To find out more about the road safety engagement work with children and young people, click here read the full report or visit

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