A daring venture: new training programme explores the dynamics underpinning successful relationships
8 Aug 2023
Children in Scotland has launched new dates for the popular three-day training course, the Dynamics of Relationship-Based Practice, delivered by renowned psychologist and research scientist, Dr Suzanne Zeedyk.
The programme will run this Autumn, taking place across three days between September and November (13 September, 11 October, 8 November) and will be delivered in partnership with the Tigers training group, which has been working with Dr Zeedyk for several years to embed relationship-based practice into its organisational culture.
Relationship-based, or relational, practice looks at the psychological and emotional dynamics that underpin successful relationships, allowing participants to develop collaborative, mutual connections with children and families.
Dr Zeedyk spoke about this unique opportunity, developed from her Daring Ventures courses:
“People understand that relationships are key to buffering and healing experiences of trauma. However, in my experience, people do not get a chance to learn in any depth how relationships operate. They don’t get to understand the dynamics that make them flow easily or that provide obstacles to a sense of safety and trust. The Daring Ventures course provides that understanding.
“The information included in Daring Ventures hits people in their head and heart – because it provides insights into how relationships function, people have feelings about the material. Those feelings can be exciting and empowering, but they can also be uncomfortable, as you realise new things about yourself that you had not previously seen before."
“Most people who participate in Daring Ventures realise they may have had impacts on other people, in their personal lives or professional roles, that they had not previously considered. Giving people time to take on board these realisations matters, so having time in between sessions gives space that is needed for these insights to emerge.

The information included in the Daring Ventures course remains merely theory until people have had the chance to apply it to real life. And because the course is co-delivered by myself and members of Tigers, participants get to hear about both the theory and the practical application of that theory.”
Lizz Toomey, Learning & Events Officer at Children in Scotland, said:
“People often think that building relationships is something that some people are ‘naturally’ good at and others aren’t. This course empowers everyone to feel able to harness the power of relationships to make an impact in their role in the children’s sector.
“With the principles of the UNCRC, GIRFEC and The Promise all emphasising the urgent need to develop collaborative, mutual relationships with children and families, this approach has never been more relevant. We encourage you to book early to avoid missing out on this innovative programme.”
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