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Challenges and opportunities: Insight Issue 6 celebrates the hard work and determination of Scotland’s third sector

The new issue of Children in Scotland’s biannual member magazine, Insight, is now available both in print and online.

Featuring a range of interviews, articles and opinion pieces covering everything from the momentous milestone of UNCRC incorporation to projects which are helping young people find their voice, Insight Issue 6 celebrates the hard work, determination and resilience shown by the third sector during one of the most challenging economic climates of recent times.

Alongside a four-page Q&A with Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland Nicola Killean (click here for more), who discusses priorities for her time in post, readers will find an interview with The Yard’s (click here for more) CEO Celine Sinclair, information on inspiring participation projects, and a thoughtful piece on redefining “challenging” behaviour from Billy Anderson, Head of Services at Children in Scotland.

Further reading includes:

  • Hearts & Minds' Fiona Ferrier on why the Clowndoctors programme (click here for more) is proving laughter is the best medicine
  • Details of a new journal that is empowering care experienced young people to write their own story
  • An Edinburgh community group’s recipe for building mums’ confidence, independence and friendship
  • Clare Forrest from LGBT Youth Scotland (click here for more) exploring the charity’s social history project, (Un)seen, (Un)heard
  • And an extended welcome to members who have joined Children in Scotland in the past six months.

Continuing a long-term collaboration with Edinburgh College of Art, MA students brought Insight Issue 6 to life with creativity and passion once again, providing beautiful illustrations for the cover and two articles.

Alice Hinds, Insight editor, said: “When I think of the people working across the children’s sector, from social workers to teachers, policy experts to charity leaders, three qualities come to mind – hardworking, determined and resilient.

“Despite external pressures, money worries and political frustrations, professionals working with and for children never stop trying to make our country a better place to grow up, and our new issue of Insight celebrates that unwavering persistence.

“I hope our members feel inspired after reading this new edition – I know I did.”

Providing a space to share knowledge and best practice, print and digital editions of Insight are published twice a year, with all Children in Scotland members receiving a free copy.

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Insight Issue 6

Find out what's inside the latest issue. Illustration by Qi Zheng.

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