Gifts in Wills for Children in Scotland
For 30 years, Children in Scotland has been providing support services to and amplifying the voices of children and young people across the country. Our vision is a Scotland where all children have an equal chance to flourish.
But we can’t achieve this alone.
Leaving a legacy gift to Children in Scotland in your will can ensure that our work will continue long into the future, creating long-term sustainable change for the children and young people of Scotland.
What we do
Children in Scotland gives children an equal chance to flourish through access to education and support services, ensuring their views are taken seriously and acted upon, and by developing an effective and vibrant network in the children’s sector.
Over the past three decades we have built and maintained a thriving membership, managed a range of services that help children and young people with additional support for learning needs, provided a learning programme to our network and membership, and shaped Scottish legislation through our policy, projects and participation work. Through the core of all this work run the voices of children and young people.
- Click here to read our Manifesto
- Click here to understand our strategic approach
- Click here to find out more about our financial information
- Click here to learn about all the ways you can support us
How do I leave a gift in my Will?
Thank you for considering a gift in your Will. Your legacy will be life-changing for children across Scotland.
The first step in making a Will is to contact a solicitor, who can take the necessary legal steps to formalise your wishes for what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death.
- Click here to visit the gov.uk website to find out more about the process of making a Will
Once you have made consideration for family and friends, you may wish to also consider a legacy gift to our charity, which we will use to continue our vital work for years to come.
Find out more
To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to Children in Scotland, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Contact Tracy at thope@childreninscotland.org.uk.

About us
Giving all children in Scotland an equal chance to flourish is at the heart of everything we do
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Our Vision and Values
Our values set out Children in Scotland's beliefs and qualities
Click here for moreStrategic Plan 2023-28
Our five-year plan to realise our vision of a Scotland where all children have an equal chance to flourish
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Our membership offer
Be part of the largest national children's sector membership organisation in Scotland
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