Race equality statement marks bolder approach to addressing equality and diversity
28 September 2021
Children in Scotland today publishes its race equality statement, following a year’s work examining how our commitments and standards relating to equality and diversity could be strengthened.
The project work was spurred by the murder of George Floyd and issues raised by the Black Lives Matters movement in 2020.
While focusing particularly on what we can do to improve representation and fairness for ethnic minorities, the work is embedded in our broader beliefs about the importance of realising equality for children, young people and families in Scotland.
The statement makes clear our commitment to creating a culture in which equality, diversity and human rights are actively promoted, and rearticulates that we have zero tolerance of discrimination of any kind.
As part of this work we are also publishing a pledge of actions to strengthen our specific commitment to racial equality and inclusion.
Measures will be introduced internally to track how we are performing against equality and diversity baselines.
These will focus on areas including ethnic minority representation in our staff group and board; suitable training made available for staff; and more diversity in our choice of images and the contributors we commission for our communications work.
Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive Judith Turbyne said:
“Publication of our race equality statement and pledge today is an important step in building awareness and taking a much more proactive approach to addressing equality and diversity issues at Children in Scotland.
“In addition to what is currently required by legislation, we are dedicated to going further by taking positive measures to promote equality, diversity and human rights.
“I want to emphasise that this is ongoing work for us and that we take it very seriously. It is not a ‘one-off’ or a token gesture.
“We’re also aware of the need to be honest about our progress and our weaknesses in this vital area.
“We want to develop into a more diverse organisation and to do this we need to take forward our action plan and learn from the experiences and advice of experts partners in order to change.
“Recent project work with Intercultural Youth Scotland (click here to visit), and guidance from CEMVO (click here to visit) about the development of our statement, has been enlightening and encouraging, whilst demonstrating how much more we need to do.
“As the representative organisation for the children’s sector we will be seeking a wider conversation with our members about how we can come together to improve equality and diversity in a way that benefits all children in Scotland.”
We are sharing our race equality statement and summary of our equality and diversity work as part of National Inclusion Week.

Race equality statement
Our statement and pledge sets out what we will do to improve standards and awareness
Click here to read
Our strategic aims
We're committed to challenging inequality and championing participation
Click here for more
On diversity and the cycle of racism
Our recent podcast explored the issue through the lens of a project with GTCS and Intercultural Youth Scotland
Click here for more
National Inclusion Week
Bringing organisations together to celebrate, share and inspire inclusion practices
Click here for more