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UK Alliance for Investing in Children

The Alliance for Investing in Children (UK) was a 2014 coalition led by Children in Wales, Children in Scotland, Children England and Children in Northern Ireland to encourage investment in children’s support and services.

The aim of the joint action was to campaign together to ensure the effective implementation of the European Commission Recommendation ‘Investing in Children - Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’ through research, dissemination and influencing at EU and national level.

The UK Alliance undertook a series of activities in support of the campaign, which included consultation with children and young people, a conference held in December 2014 and a report outlining the principal legislation, policies and programmes for tackling child poverty in the four nations.


European Commission Recommendation

Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage

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UK Alliance Briefing for MPs Final Briefing

The recommendation encourages member states to protect funding for services that support children and their families

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UK Alliance Conference

This conference will highlight areas of good practice in tackling child poverty from across the UK, and discuss how to take the child poverty agenda forward in the future, thereby improving the quality of life and well-being of children and young people in the UK and Europe.

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The EU Alliance for Investing in Children

The EU Alliance for Investing in Children is a new form of cooperation bringing together over 20 European Networks.

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Child Poverty Animations

Children in Wales has launched a set of poverty animations with the voices of children and young people from across the UK.

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UK Alliance Website

At a time when more than 3.5 million children in the UK face poverty and social exclusion, the UK Alliance for Investing In Children is pushing for full implementation of the European Commission Recommendation “Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage” within the UK.

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