Inclusion in Action: Call-out for inclusion resources to share internationally
The Inclusive Education in Action (IEA) website, a collaborative project by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (EASNIE), is looking for resources and case studies to feature.
The aim of the website is to provide an online resource base for policymakers around the world who are working to develop “inclusion, equity and quality” in education.
If you have resources or case studies which you would like to share, the people behind IEA want to hear from you so that they can enhance their bank of information.
This will support the project in its aim of aligning its website and content with the 2017 UNESCO publication ‘A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education’ (click to read).
What IEA is looking for
The resource base includes national policy and legislative documents, guidelines, research policy papers and practical tools. It covers a variety of topics, from inclusive pedagogy and practices to professional development, curriculum, and the physical learning environment.
The case study section covers the following themes:
- Specific policy initiatives for inclusive education
- Inclusive curriculum development
- Developing inclusive learning environments
- Educational staff professional development
Get in touch
- Click here to download a case study template here
- Send your case studies or resources to
- All submissions go through a quality assurance process before they are considered for online publishing.
Scotland has been a member of the Agency since 1996 as part of the UK representation and then its own representation since 2007. The Representative Board Member is Mary Hoey, Assistant Director of Education Scotland and the National Co-Ordinator for Scotland is Sally Cavers, Head of Inclusion at Children in Scotland.
If you’d like to find out more about the Agency and Scotland’s membership look at the website and click here to get in touch with the representatives

Find out more about Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning
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Learn more about EASNIE
Find out more about the work of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Click to visit the website
See what our 25 Calls campaign says about ASN
Call 12: Embed understanding of Additional Support Needs in initial teacher training and ongoing development
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